Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best 80mm Goto Refractor Meade NGC-70TCR Telescope Or Celestron® StarSeeker™ 80mm GoTo Refractor Telescope?

Meade NGC-70TCR Telescope or Celestron® StarSeeker™ 80mm GoTo Refractor Telescope? - best 80mm goto refractor

I'm going to my 12 year old son to buy a telescope for Christmas.

It seems that the telescope would be automatically selected celestial body is the best option ... or I am wrong, and why?

Do they? Why have telescopes without this feature?

The two that I have seen:

70TCR Telescope Meade NGC-$ 200 ...

or StarSeeker ® ™ Go Celestron 80mm refractor for 329 $. ...

Both the team of stars form on board and look cool.

Ideas or recommendations?

Thank you!


injanier said...

Amateur astronomers are the advantages of go-to split (showing automatic) telescopes. Some disadvantages are:
• To go to if you pay more or less telescope for the money.
• A configuration process is to learn and understand what the telescope can see things and should.
• Telescopic database also contains elements that are too small to be seen in many conditions.
• The least expensive, especially if they can not properly prepared, more like go-go-round to.
• If you always depend on the point was lost when the batteries die.

The alternative is to find things with star charts and scope of the research. The disadvantage is that you learn is to find their way into heaven, and canSometimes it takes a long time to find things.

Which is better, it is reduced a matter of personal preference, and it is difficult to predict how your child prefers. If you learn by doing and love the things of itself, a manual telescope and a good beginners book like "Turn Left at Orion" can be better than home.

spir_i_t... said...

The 80 mm Celestron collect more light than 70, learning to see, you get what you pay for.

Earl D said...

The potential expansion of better Meade, but resoloving little light.

THT Celstron has a better ability to collect light, but less magnifcation, but comes with a Barlow lens, and has two more catalogs in search of stars.

The Celestron is smaller and require less space, but the increase is limited to 100 with the best sensor 200 with Barlow, obscures the vision and distorts the picture.

The Meade 175, it would be with the same lens and a Barlow to buy separately more than 300 power. However, the scope would be larger.

The Celestron is an area of "rich" series designed to study groups of stars and dark objects like comets.

The expansion would be necessary to get a 6mm toor 4-mm lens.

To include more light celstron (for items regulator) 10, 20, 40 and 80 meals eyepieces, 4000 objects and a limited range. 3.1 "lens

With the publication Mease receives less light from 40 to 100 power, 1400 objects, and greater range. 2.8 "Lens

minutebl... said...

GoTo is a feature of the recently telescopes to the lower end. She began to appear a serious telescopes developed in the early 90s, as an efficient, profitable teams. Many beginners or informal as the stars, the spectators, for they do not spend much time around the objects are, but here is the problem that your child when you can purchase one of the telescopes on your list.

80 mm aperture is small for a telescope, and will not be able to much of what they probably really want to see to see. Access to the database can see 30,000 images in it, but only in a position of vulnerability, most objects in space and I'll bet that most objects in the database, the star more or less similar to sAME why you see thousands of them? Go to exclude able to invest more in the real telescope.

What should you look for in a telescope is the aperture, the diameter of the primary mirror or lens. In other words, will find a telescope of at least 4.5 "opening, but if you can handle, 6". Therefore, it must be a mirror and mirror, a Newtonian telescope, Dobsonian Schmidt-Cassegrain or not. When a Newton to a German equatorial mount, you do not win and pinnion.

With a telescope, which at least two quality eye, a relatively low power between 25mm-32mm and a relatively high level of effectiveness between 12.5 mm, 9 mm, the new number shouldFers to the lens' focal length and is the more, the smaller increase to. Most interesting, is done at low magnification, it is difficult to get good pictures in super high magnification eyepieces. Quality must also be a 2X Barlow ... "This extension is 25 mm 12.5 mm eyepiece with a Eyepiece field of view 25 mm. Last but not least, you have some 7x50 binoculars. They come in handy a lot.

I want to put the Celestron, Meade or Orion. If you do not plan to do astrophotography, you can get a simple Dobsonian increases because its means that you will be able to pay more openness.

You can use the purchase of a telescope. People like new things, but honestly, the telescopes usedare generally well maintained and the average cost of the new do ... to usually come with a few accessories. Major "beginner" Newton are usually present at the meetings, which are higher than expected economic support in recent models. If there is something you are interested in just his, then in the small ads in

They may even be able to find someone to help the local astronomical society.

ZeedoT said...

Telescopes can "automatically" point of stellar objects, this requires a computer with traction and a library of stored objects. There are problems of gear: 1) It takes a while to make sure to work, you must close with a guide star (Polaris, as a rule) before the game and 2) I do not believe that there are such systems in the range of $ 200 available. You may or areas Celestron Meade, a Google search.

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